Thursday, 12 July 2007

First Post - New at Blogging

So this is my first post on Blogger. I am sure I will get the hang of it eventually. I think I will have to steal ideas from my friend Carolyn as her blogger is really good. Just a couple of pics of what we have been up to lately here.

Last week we visited the Elephant Sanctury with Carolyn, Kai Kai and Por Por. Riley and I both enjoyed ourselves and it was so awesome to be able to not only see the elephants up so close but to be able to touch them and interact with them. I was lucky enough to get a big wet sloppy kiss (and I do mean WET and SLOPPY) from one. Riley was going to but then changed his mind at the last minute. Riley did enjoy feeding them with Kai Kai though.

Yesterday we went to visit the Rhino park and Wondercaves with Carolyn, Kai Kai and Por Por. The caves were great and although Riley was a bit hesitant about going underground at first he soon warmed to the idea when he realised that Batman lives in a cave. So he spent most of the tour not only looking for but calling out to Batman. We didn't see Batman but we did some some impressive Stalegtights. We were lucky to see a lot of sleeping Lions too which was nice and a few more common animals like Zebras and Springbok.

Poor Carolyn seems to get stuck having to organise everything which makes me think I should get off my bottom and try to find something fun for us all to do.....maybe.....

1 comment:

jasbec21 said...

I can't believe how big Riley has got. He's huge!

And i don't know who is the kid in the photo of brad and riley playin with the cars and train set in the play room. LOL