Friday, 13 July 2007

A few weeks ago Riley's school held a Seniors Sports Day. Each class was allocated a country to represent. Riley's class was AUSTRALIA!! This is Riley with a couple of his friends decked out in their aussie stuff. They all had to take a white shirt to school and they painted their own aussie flags on the front. They all marched on to the sports field to the national anthems of their respective countries and their teachers carried a flag of the country they were representing. I think our teacher was a little confused as Riley's class marched under a New Zealand flag! How embarrassment.....

It was a very cold morning and so Riley decided to do the whole obstacle course with his hands in his jeans pockets (I think he should have got a medal for not falling flat on his face). In one race they did the children had to run, crawl, skip and hop between different markers. Riley took one look and realised he could do it faster and with less effort if he just ran through the bits he didn't want to do.....not much of a cheat.
At the end of the day all of the children that took part recieved a Gold medal from the headmaster. The Gold medal was not only fun for them all to get but it was actually a chocolate so that just doubled the fun.

1 comment:

jasbec21 said...

Riley isn't a cheat - He can just tell the quickest way and that is the way that he was going to go - I think that it shows iniative not cheating, and keeping his hands in his pockets... poor kid was cold.

And the stoopid teacher who made the Aussie kids walk under a NZ flag, well, if i was over there she would be so sorry!! Might not be able to make it to school for a few weeks though.