Saturday, 20 September 2008

Riley's new school and 'Wacky Tacky Day"....

Notice anything 'silly'????

This week Riley started school here at Mother Teresa Catholic School. I think it was a relief for both of us that he starts school as he was getting way too bored at home. So even though this is a Catholic school and not a public school there are no school fees!! How awesome is that?! Turns out the tax from our rent will be paid to the school to help fund it. The only down side so far to his schooling is that as he in in Senior Kindergarten (Which would be Prep at home) he can only attend 1/2 days so either mornings or afternoons and seeing as how we arrived just after the school year began all they had left was afternoons so he starts school at 12:20pm and I need to pick him up at 2:50pm, some days it is more of a pain in the butt than anything but I figure that next year when he is in Grade 1 it will be easier as he will be there for full days again. So he started on Tuesday and we were informed that Tuesday was also school photo day so he has already had his face in the class pic which I just think is so funny. On Wednesday he came home telling me that Friday was "Wacky Tacky" day. I didn't hear anything about it from his teacher so on Friday morning I called the school and confirmed what it was all about. Basically he had to go to school dressed 'wacky' so Riley decided that he was going to wear all his clothes back to front and then wear mis-matching shoes and socks! He had a great time dressing up silly and after I picked him up from school we went to the supermarket and he still insisted on staying dressed up silly.

And a pose just for good measure......


jasbec21 said...

Oh My Goodness - Riley does love to get dressed up doesn't he?? Maybe with the starting later in the day the mornings won't be as hectic trying to get him ready on time when he is in go slow mode?
Its so hard to believe that Riley is still only in prep - he's so far past that intellectually its incredible - he's going to love being at school again.

Unknown said...

oh well there always has to be one in every family doesn't there!!! must take after his mother or his maternal grandmother.....LOL

Della Lynch said...

Why did you twist Rileys head around the wrong way? I liked him better the other way. He is having fun being dressed like that isn't he? I know he will enjoy being back at school, he has to keep busy to be happy. Keep the updates coming we love them.