Monday, 2 June 2008

8 Months Old Today & Sensorial Baby Class

Today Emily started her first ever baby class. I have been feeling somewhat guilty as by this age Riley had been doing Gymbaroo for like 6 months and so far all Emily has had is her swimming lessons (which she is still loving by the way). It is a sensorial baby class which means that the activities are changed every 10minutes or so to allow exposure to more experiences. We started off with some free play and Emily quickly honed in on the balls and especially the little play tent and tunnel set up (I am happy about this as I have been thinking of getting her one and now I have an excellent argument to do it). Then we moved on to some puzzles, Emily is obviously still a bit young to do them but give her a week or so and I am sure she would have mastered the 5 piece LOL she did however give them the good old 'taste test' and seemed happy enough with that. After that it was time for some 'music' now I of course use the term 'music' lightly as a bunch of 8 month old babies make some interesting tunes.......sounds a little like noise to the untrained ear LOL. Then came Emily's favourite part of the morning the FOOD!! Jen gave each of the babies a bowl with some different foods in there to play with (hence the sensorial side of things) and then taste test if they wished, well no-one had to tell Emily twice, she was right in there, seems she quite likes jelly too. We ended the morning with a little more free-play where Emily again honed in on the balls. There were 5 of us for most of the morning and we were a mix of different cultures also which was lovely, all the babies were aged within weeks of each other which was the best part for me as I have been feeling that Emily has had very little interaction with babies her own age. Overall it was a lovely morning and I really feel that Emily got a lot out of it and I am looking forward to next week also.


jasbec21 said...

That is sooo cool - she is looking heaps bigger hey I'm sure that she would have just LOVED the food part - that girl doesn't seem to mind the food.. LOL!! She's just so beautiful.

Della Lynch said...

Em sure does look like she was having so much fun and enjoying the taste testing. I do believe she will be able to do the puzzles in just a few weeks, she is my granddaughter after all (he he).