Tuesday, 20 November 2007

More Fun in the Sun

This weekend just been we had Riley's birthday party (hoepfully some more pics of that to come). He was very spoilt, as always, and one of his friends, Chisomo I think, bought him a spiderman mini boat and spiderman goggles. So of course when we got home from the party he just had to try them out. Riley and Daddy had a great time horsing around in the pool again and even Emily came out for a look to see what all the fuss was about. I am sure it will not be long before she too will be joining in with all the fun in the pool - just as soon as we can find swimmers small enough for her. Riley also got the board game Guess Who so we spent quite a lot of time playing that on Sunday afternoon as well. He is getting quite good at asking appropriate questions but he tends to look at his card and if his person has white hair he will ask if your person has white hair and in no time, through his questioning, you know exactly what card he has. He knows he is doing it and keeps on saying "Oh sorry bout that" very funny and lots of fun.


jasbec21 said...

Riley looks like he is gaving so much fun there, and Em looks so cute just layin in her swing. Only a couple more weeks to come i guess.

Della Lynch said...

Brad looks happy spending some quality time with Riley while little Miss Em sits by watching.What a beautiful sight you all make.

Unknown said...

looks like everyone was having fun except mum who was busy taking the pics....looks cool though